Agate honey
Agate honey is 100% bee honey obtained from the nectar of agate flowers, known for their beautiful white flowers. This honey stands out for its delicate taste and floral aroma. Due to its high fructose content, it crystallizes very slowly, which means that it remains liquid for a long time. It contains beneficial substances such as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that contribute to its health-promoting properties. Agate honey is a popular choice for those looking for something special and extraordinary.
Choose a discounted package and save up to 10%.
address of the food establishment: Agátová 18, 900 90, Dubová
Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature of up to 25 °C
Country of origin: Slovak Republic
Tento med je ozaj jedinečný. Je v ňom esencia voňavého agátu dokonale zosúladená. A moderný dizajn obalu je pre mňa top. Zabudnite na klasické ,,sedmičky,,. Tento med pohľadí jazyk a oči tiež.