
Our beeswax candles are made with love and respect for nature. Each candle is handmade from pure, natural beeswax that is obtained from our bee colonies. These candles not only smell wonderful, but also burn cleanly and longer than regular candles. With their soft, warm light, you will create a pleasant atmosphere in your home and at the same time support sustainable beekeeping. Discover the beauty and quality of our beeswax candles, which are a perfect combination of tradition and natural materials.

Straight candle
Straight candle
Straight candle
Straight candle
Straight candle
Straight candle
Straight candle
Straight candle
Our beeswax candle is a natural product that brings warmth and comfort to your home....
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Sviečka ornamentálna guľa
Sviečka ornamentálna guľa
Sviečka ornamentálna guľa
Ručne odlievaná sviečka z čistého včelieho vosku s jedinečným ornamentálnym vzorom prinesie vášmu domovu harmóniu...
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Sviečka borovicová šiška
Sviečka borovicová šiška
Sviečka borovicová šiška
Táto krásna sviečka v tvare borovicovej šišky je vyrobená zo 100% prírodného včelieho vosku, ktorý...
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Candle heart
Candle heart
Candle heart
Candle heart
Our beeswax candle is a natural product that brings warmth and comfort to your home....
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Candle cylinder with a heart
Candle cylinder with a heart
Candle cylinder with a heart
Candle cylinder with a heart
Our beeswax candle is a natural product that brings warmth and comfort to your home....
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Sviečka vianočný stromček
Sviečka vianočný stromček
Ručne odlievaná sviečka z prírodného včelieho vosku v tvare vianočného stromčeka dodá vášmu domovu autentickú...
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